Islam means security for all of Humanity
By Syed Fasiullah Hussaini

For all the killings in the world especially in the Middle Eastern regions Islam is held responsible

Published in: World
Date: 25 / 02 / 23

For all the killings in the world especially in the Middle Eastern regions Islam is held responsible for bowing the seed of so called Religious Killings. On the contrary does Islam really promotes or encourages crime against Humanity. Is it really obligatory on a Muslim’s part to kill someone in the name of Religion?

I believe not, because…

Abu Huraira [May Allah be pleased with him] reported that the Messenger of Allah [Peace & Blessings be upon Him] said,

“The Muslim is he from whose tongue and hands all people are safe.”

Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal [May Allah be pleased with him] narrated in his musnad from Abd Allah bin Amr bin Al As who reported that a man said, O Messenger of Allah! What [person’s] Islam is best?’ The Messenger of Allah [Peace & Blessings be upon Him] replied,

“The one from whose tongue and hands all people are safe.”

Imam Al Tabarani [May Allah be pleased with him] has also narrated from Abd Allah bin Amr who said that a man asked the Messenger of Allah O Messenger of Allah Whose Islam is best?

The Messenger [Peace & Blessings be upon Him] replied,

“The one from whose tongue and hands all people are safe.”

Using the word [All] Al Nas in some of these hadith reports, the Messenger indicated that a Muslim or Mu’min is the one from whom everyone’s life and property are safe and secure – without any discrimination based on faith and creed. Therefore, a person who does not consider human dignity worth any regard, and treads the path of violence, bloodshed and strife, cannot be a Mu’min, despite his devout worship and pious efforts.

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Syed Fasiullah Hussaini

About the author

He is an Islamic Researcher based in Hyderabad - India. His areas of interest are Islamic history, Prophetic Medicine, Eschatology, Geopolitics, & Qur'anic Sciences

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